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[1]Miami, Florida – Stone Lee killed his wife, because she nagged him nonstop for 20 years. He walked out of court yesterday a free man.
[1]佛罗里达州,迈阿密市 – 李石头杀死了他的太太,因为她不停地唠叨了 20 年。昨天他以自由之身走出 法庭。

[2]”I don’t think I have ever before come across a case where provocation has gone on so long.” said Judge Bill Clinton. “In the end you got into a position where you couldn’t put up with it anymore.”

[3]He put Lee, 45, on probation for two years.
[3]他判 45 岁的李缓刑二年。

[4]Lee pleaded guilty to manslaughter. His attorneys told the court, his wife Kim was “a miserable woman who found pleasure in nothing.”
[4]李承认杀人罪。他的律师告诉法庭说他的妻子金姆是个“可悲 的,对任何事都没有兴趣的人。”

[5]She nagged him about unfaithfulness, nagged him about his messiness, about his bad habits, about their neighbors, about his job, his weight, and his watching television. she once hid the remote control to keep him from watching.

[6]During the 20 years Lee put up with her he moved 15 times, changing jobs each time, to find a place which satisfied Kim.

[7]Nothing worked. At the end of his rope, Lee went to the police and asked to be locked up because he feared what he would do. They refused. A week later he strangled his nagging wife.
[7]可这完全不奏效。 在智穷力竭之余,李跑去要求警察把他关起来,因为他害怕自己会作出什么事来。警方拒绝了他的要求。一周以后,他把唠叨不休的太太勒死了。