- 李阳疯狂英语 - https://www.crazyenglish.info -



  问题1:Why are you interested in working with this company?

  问题2:Why should I hire you?

  问题3:Tell Me About Yourself

  我觉得这三个问题其实可以一揽子解决,做好准备是可以以一当三的,我们先来看第一个问题:“Why are you interested in working with this company?”



  I know that yours is a company that dealing with…

  The culture of your company emphasis a lot on …

  This position you provide/ I am applying for requires…

  Part 2.你对自己能力、资历的陈述:

  My major in the university is …

  I am experienced in..

  I am skillful in…

  When I was with X company, I finished some real hard programs by leading/ cooperating with…,

  I can remember that … but I conquered it at last…, which helped me built the sense of cooperation…

  I am in good shape both mentally and physically, so I can go above and beyond the job description


  What I have got could perfectly meet your requirement, I think I might be the man you are looking for.

  问题2:”Why should I hire you?”

  问题3:”Tell Me About Yourself”

  如果你对问题一做了充分的准备,已经可以轻松应对,那么在面对问题2和3的时候你所要做的就非常简单了,你只需要讲出你全部答案的缩减版,也就是part2和part 3即可。这样的回答也许仍然不能让你从诸多竞争者中脱颖而出被区别开来,所以你更加需要的是在语言的内容上下一点功夫,故事总是比讲空话更容易打动人心。建议你用生动的故事来说明自己的特点,这个特点可以是勤奋、可以是善于思考、可以是善于合作、也可以是全局观念,总之,一个与众不同的故事的讲述胜过100句干瘪的废话,它可以很快将你与别人区分开来。come on,包装你的故事,说出你的故事吧。
