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Yan Hua, a Beijing woman who married an American man last year, had a long-distance relationship with her future husband for three years before they married.


They met each other at a mutual friend’s wedding. Since the man worked in the US and Yan worked in Beijing, they mainly communicate through MSN and phone calls.


She said their relationship persevered because both she and her future husband believed it had a future. During their three-year courtship, Yan’s future husband came to China just four times, including their initial meeting at the wedding.



“Having the same goals is important. I started to apply to American universities after we dated each other online for a while. So we know we were going to be together at some point,” said Yan.


In 2008, Yan successfully applied to a US college and went there in the summer. They spent one year together in the US and then decided to marry last year. Yan graduated, found work at a small company near their home and they are now starting a family.


Duan Feng, a graduate of Beijing Jiaotong University has had a boyfriend for three years, but this September her boyfriend will leave for Canada to study. She will remain in school here in China studying for her master’s degree.


“I feel nervous that I am going be apart from him. We stayed together for most of the past three years. He has become part of my life,” said Duan. “But I believe that we will have a future. He promised me that he will come back after graduation. Two years is not a long time but it is not short either.”

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