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50 个发音,50 盒录音带,50 本书隆重问世,让你的英语一飞冲天!激情摇滚和优雅浪漫的背景音乐之完美结合,让学英语成为一种至高享受!

10 个容易发错音的单词

10 个容易发错音的单词,你都读对了吗?


Miami, Florida - Stone Lee killed his wife, because she nagged him nonstop for 20 years. He walked out of court yesterday a free man.


发音是中国亿万学生的最大问题。 发音关都没有过,怎么可能学好英语! 第一、没自信!第二、没有成就感,对英语根本没有感觉!第三、发音不准,就无法记忆单词! 亿万中国学生的发音问题如何解决? 需要引进专家吗?不需要! 需要学习一年吗?不需要! 疯狂英语的解决方案非常简单:只要读准以下20个单词,发音就可以......



The L Consonant

The L consonant sound. I know this sound can be especially difficult for people studying English. Probably because it's actually really two sounds although it only has one symbol in the international phonetic alphabet. The two sounds are differentiated by where this sound comes in a word.

[æ] Vowel: American English Pronunciation

This video describes how to make the AA sound in American English. It has illustrations and close up slow motion footage of the mouth to help you understand the correct position of the mouth/tongue.

-ed Verb Endings: American English Pronunciation

This video describes the 3 different ways to pronounce the -ed verb ending (for example: baked, laughed, studied)

2012 The President’s Speech
