时间: 2010-08-27 - 分类: 日积月累 - 无评论
标签: 单词, 生活, 英语, 词汇
时间: 2010-08-27 - 分类: 异域风情 - 无评论
标签: 单词, 国外, 异域风情, 生活, 短信, 缩写
时间: 2010-08-26 - 分类: 发音操练 - 无评论
The L consonant sound. I know this sound can be especially difficult for people studying English. Probably because it's actually really two sounds although it only has one symbol in the international phonetic alphabet. The two sounds are differentiated by where this sound comes in a word.
标签: 单词, 发音, 口腔, 口语, 方法, 练习, 美国, 英语, 视频, 训练
时间: 2010-08-26 - 分类: 发音操练 - 无评论
This video describes how to make the AA sound in American English. It has illustrations and close up slow motion footage of the mouth to help you understand the correct position of the mouth/tongue.
标签: 单词, 发音, 口腔, 口语, 国外, 方法, 练习, 美国, 英语, 视频
时间: 2010-08-26 - 分类: 发音操练 - 无评论
This video describes the 3 different ways to pronounce the -ed verb ending (for example: baked, laughed, studied)
标签: 单词, 发音, 口腔, 口语, 国外, 方法, 练习, 美国, 英语, 视频, 训练
时间: 2010-08-25 - 分类: 日积月累 - 无评论
标签: 单词, 句子, 积累, 英语
时间: 2010-08-25 - 分类: 日积月累 - 无评论
标签: 单词, 句子, 方法, 英语, 词汇
时间: 2010-08-10 - 分类: 日积月累 - 无评论
标签: 单词, 句子
时间: 2009-05-20 - 分类: 日积月累 - 无评论
关于爱情,我们已说了很多。Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.
Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.
Love is the greatest refreshment in life.
但我记得的只是儿时吃过的一种叫”love is…”的泡泡糖,打开包装,总会有张漫画小纸条,上面......
标签: 单词, 英文